My master teacher called her booklet "Spelling Dictionary" mainly because when students did ask how to spell a word, she would give them the first three letters of the word and tell them to look it up and put it in their dictionary. Yes, I understand this is technically not a dictionary, and yes it took longer. However, not only were the students spelling the word correctly, but they were learning to use the dictionary; which in my opinion is a lost cause today!
When I first started substitute teaching, during those planning periods where I had NOTHING to do, I started making up this booklet. I finished the booklet in no time flat, took it a Kinkos and made a couple copies for the future.
Fast forward 10 years later. Fast forward the technology and the plethora of fun fonts. I revamped my dictionary!
Purchase this book for only $2!!
My first ever booklet turned into a PDF to put on Teachers Pay Teachers. So feedback will be appreciated!
I love this! I will be buying this from your TPT store for my Grade 2 class this year! :) Thanks for sharing!!