Friday, August 23, 2013

Chevron Behavior Clip Chart and Calendar Recording Sheets

Okay, so I already have a clip chart. It's up and ready to go... but I was just given the greatest idea on how to record the behavior by a great friend! So, of course I had to make it! After I made the calendar pages, I just quickly added in the clip chart for anyone who does not have one. Just to be safe. :)

So this is how it works. My students will have a plastic 3-prong folder that they will use as their take home folder. In the middle, I will place a plastic page protector which will be for their weekly newsletter and their calendar behavior recording sheet.

At the end of the day, they will take their take home folder, open it up and grab the calendar. Which ever color their clip is on, they'll color that square. If the student is below the green "ready to learn" color, I will add a reason why.... which is where the 10 different pre-made reasons are already there! So all I have to do is put a number down! That is, unless the reason isn't on there. Then i'll put a 10, and write on the back of the sheet the reason along with the date.

This is a perfect way to keep track of their behavior for a month, and the reasons why! That way the parents and I can try our best to fix them.

Pretty great! Right? Well I hope so. I know sometimes the best laid plans never work. So let's hope!

Anyways. You can get these calendar recording sheets and the clip chart at my TPT store! Happy shopping!

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