There is a two word phrase that I hate! Can you guess what it is?
"I'm done!"
So on the 6th day of school I said to them "You're not cupcakes!" And the looks I got were priceless!
So I explained to them the cupcake story.
I asked, "When you bake cupcakes, how do you when they're done?"
In which they replied, "The timer dings!"
So I asked, "Are you guys cupcakes?"
I got a big "NOOOO!"
Then I was able to explain to them, "if you're not cupcakes, then I don't need to know when you're done, right? When you say 'I'm done!' All I hear is a oven timer dinging. "
For the rest of the day, if anyone said "I'm done!" I looked at them and said "you're not cupcakes, I don't need to know when your done. "
Today, while in centers. One group finished before we were ready to switch. I overheard them saying "but we're not cupcakes! She doesn't need to know that we are done. Maybe we should do something quiet until we switch."
Yes!!!!! I'm so proud of these kids so far!! They've done such a wonderful job!